Friday, May 2, 2008


YAY! I am sitting here posting a blog on my new computer! How much fun is this! Doughman, my wonderful husband, bought us a new laptop. I didn't really care if we bought a new desktop or laptop...we just needed something new. He, on the other hand likes the laptop because he can travel with it to different places in the house---such as the restroom. Yes, he has taken it there while he does his job and reads sports articles online. Nothing else really new with the 2 of us.

Buddy went to the ENT yesterday and he is having tubes put in his ears on the 19th of May. They are also taking out his adnoids and checking for allergies. Hopefully his hearing/speech will really improve after this! I am so excited for him.
2 surgeries in 2 months- wowza!! Lets hope we can get by for at least a couple more years till we have another surgery.

Smarty Pants is down to 20 some odd days of school left. He is quite excited that he gets out for summer vacation soon and that Buddy will be at the same school with his old teacher next year. They have really gotten close over the last few weeks. Crazy!
Buddy's bday is coming up here in 2 weeks. Not sure what he is getting yet as he really hasn't started his list!

Lil Miss is still cute, bossy, and whiney. All the fun aspects of a normal 2 year old. She says some of the silliest things. Yesterday she says to Buddy, "Whatchya doin over there lil fella?" Yea, she doesn't hear us say things like that!! Or she says to me, "Love Ya!" CUTENESS!!

Peace Out!

Miss Smiley, she makes me smile almost 24/7. She is really learning to talk. Her favorite cartoon is Yo Gabba Gabba- she shes- YOOOO gaga gaga. Or when she says moo-she really gets into the Mmmmooooo. I love when toddlers really start learning to talk and copy you.

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Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!