Monday, May 18, 2009

Yay...the weekend has come to an end

I'd never imagine myself saying that but it was a long, productive weekend. I took on the Crazy Bunch plus 5 more kids for a whole night and sent Doughman to SF for the night. They proved to have way more energy than I at my young age :)
Buddy turned 6 on Saturday and the bday party was fun. The kids played outside for almost 7 hours, ate a ton of food, and woke me up the next day chanting for breakfast. Good times!
After the 5 extra kids left for the day, I got my sweet azz in gear and started cleaning. 3 1/2 loads of laundry done, 2 loads of dishes ran through the dishwasher, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning out the vacuum, cleaned the ceiling fan, swept, mopped, de-cluttered the living room, showers/baths given, and help with homework! Whew!! Makes me tired thinking about it all again. But low and behold, the living room again can be declared a state of emergency. I took on an extra kid again today and the toys have managed to find their way up the stairs. Damn it!!
9 more days of school....I may possibly find out what it is like to sleep past 7:15am again! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Woody's team won both games last week. Way to start off the year...2-0!! Not this weekend but next weekend there is a tournament...hopefully a good time with no drama for this mama!

I need to get my but on ChaCha, but thought I'd do a quick post. I will try to get better at posting again. Kinda got a lot on my plate though!
Oh and I will post pictures later...maybe nap time, maybe not.....probably not....I don't know....I hate uploading them.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's been so long

I feel as if I don't know who I am anymore. Reading these posts I either want to laugh at myself or punch myself! I can't believe it's been 5 months since I have posted. A lot has happened in 5 months. I won't go into details on every little thing though!
Doughman- still works at home. Shares his office with Gordon. Starts softball tonight.
Mama- trying to take off winter weight, realized that I have some kick-ass friends whom I *heart* so much, is getting wiser. Notice I said wiser not older! and You got questions?- ChaCha!
SP- almost done with 2nd grade- turned 8, lost 3 teeth (3 more are loose) no girlfriends yet, and SmartyPants is really becomming a SmartAss!
Buddy- will be 6 on Saturday, almost done with Kindergarten (did great), no girlfriends but likes Sophie!
Lil Miss- Still the boss, almost 4, starting preschool in early September. Nothing else really changed with her.
Miss Smiley- walking,talking, potty trained human now! Still Mama's little baby! Loves to play.
Pukey- still just lays around, eats, stinks up the litter box and pukes
Lito Puppy- He has gotten big, likes to lick the cats ass, bite Buddy, pee on the floor when it's raining out, but all in all a good dog. Plus he loves me- and protects me!
Yea, that's about all I've got. I don't think I would have posted here for a while longer but someone mentioned brown-chicken brown-cow which reminded me of my blog! I used to be so good. Hmmm maybe again this summer! I have fun in the summer! I like to talk about it! Peace out!

Friday, December 5, 2008


It's finally Fun Friday!! I am so excited for tonight. Going out with the lots to catch up on!!!

Nothing else really going on today but if anything changes I will report back!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's been too long

Almost 3 1/2 months since I have blogged. No real reason. A little more busy now than during summertime.(which I miss dearly)!!

School has started and the boys are doing great. Buddy is doing better than anyone thought and he absolutely loves school. YES!!! He is making a ton of friends.
Smarty Pants still surprises me with his smarty pants ways. He brought home a straight E report card and is reading at an almost 4th grade level. 2nd grade is too easy for him. He is a bit bored. Hopefully as he gets older, things stay easy. He is much like Doughman- loves-loves-loves history and sports.
Lil Miss and Miss Smiley are both good. Miss Smiley recently turned 2 and I can't believe I will never have a little baby anymore. Lil Miss is still ready for school. I can't wait to get her into preschool next year.
Doughman is still working from home- I hate that he makes his own schedule. Bugs the crap outta me.
Our vacation was awesome. Longer than expected- by 1 day. Yea, we missed our damn flight outta Philly. The Eagles won, we saw a lot of cool things and places. (Pics to come)
Well, that catches you up on our life.
Not a very well, thought-out post, but it'll do!!

Oh yea, I am getting together with my girls from school for drinks on Friday- I am excited!! I don't remember the last time we were all together. Should be fun

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

really? for real?

So today SP and Buddy had a dentist apt @ 8am. Skank K's kids arrived at 7:30. I had to rush to get the boys ready for the dentist and after that SP had to go to school. I got their clothes out, made breakfast, had them brush their teeth, and took the dog out...then it was time to go. I told Doughman that Lil Miss and Miss Smiley needed to be changed and Lil Miss, our niece, and our nephew hadn't eaten yet.
Fully expecting to come home with just those things done was way too much I guess. I walked in the door and Lil Miss was wet b/c her diaper had not been changed, our nephew was stinky, and none of them were fed.
Really? And you wonder why I am bitchy? Seriously, lift a effing finger around here. I realize you work 40 hours a week and it gets tiring when you are collecting so much.....but, I work 40+ hours/week and my is physically and mentally exhausting.

The dentist apt went good. SP has two loose teeth. Yay!!! It's about time! He has a tiny cavity which they are filling next week and then he will have sealant on his 6 yr molars. Buddy's teeth look good. The girls' apt went well yesterday. Miss Smiley didn't really care for it, but she dealt with it. Lil Miss did great. Sure she whined a bit, but she is 3 and wasn't sure what was gonna happen. Neither of them have cavities.

The first day of school has come and gone and it went wonderful. Buddy didn't cry or freak out being left there. SP enjoyed going back to school. I am excited to have them both going. I hope Buddy makes a lot of friends!!

I am not down any kids this week. Like I said in the first paragraph, I am watching our niece and nephew. Our niece told us today that her older brothers will be here on Friday. I am not sure if I had already known this or not, but either way, it will be nice for Buddy and SP. I also will have my other nephew on Friday too. Full house!! Good times!!

Well, off to make lunch so Buddy can get ready for school.
Peace out!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

so many extra kids

aaaahhhh! So, I took on 3 extra kids this week. A little boy about a month older than Miss Smiley and 2 girls-TWINS- about 7 months older than Buddy. They are all pretty good, play welll with the Crazy Bunch, but OMG....demanding little suckers!!
The twins are identicle- the only way you can tell the difference is one of the girls wears pink everyday. Thank GOD.
The little boy is awesome- he repeats everything said to him which is cool.
With all the ruckus around here, I really can not wait until next week. School starts, I am done babysitting....the only downfall is that summer is coming to end. No more softball.
But we leave for Philly in 15 days!!! WOOHOOOOO!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Oh my God

I am so unbelievably crabby at most of it has to do with doughman. He is back to the point where he doesn't want to be working, he wants to sleep until or noon or later and I am NOT going to deal with it again. Yea, call me bitchy, I do NOT care. I am tired too and I don't get to sleep until noon or nice as that would be, things need to get done, kids need to be taken care of, etc.
Anyway, yea, I am crabby....what of it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Outta 50 teams the Woodys boys

placed 5TH!!!! They played great despite the heat, cramps, dizziness, and injuries. There was a lot of ball played and it was awesome cheering them on.

They did awesome.

Here is a picture of the best team EVER!!!

front row- Corey, Lucas, Tyler, Russell

back row- Josh, Ryan, Jay, Eric, Craig, Sam, Jeff

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1 more day

oh thank God!! Tomarrow night the crazy bunch is going to my mamas house for the weekend. I can NOT wait. I am quite surprised that I am not yet bald or gray due to the craziness of the crazy bunch.
The boys have been fighting, the girls have been whining, and I have been wanting a drink. But being the responsible parent that I am, I have chose not to indulge in an alcoholic MAMA drink. I have been waiting since I know that I am going to be partying it up this weekend in what Doughman calls the armpit of SD- HURON. As much as I want the softball team to do well, I am using this as more of a getaway. I know that I am going to Philly in 29 days and that is great, but I need this NOW!!!!
Miss Smiley is probably the best behaved one outta all of them this week. She is still repeating everything which is WAAAAY cool.
Lil Miss is a Lil menace. She and I have NOT been getting along at all. She whines all the damn time and the other night we had it out. We were both screaming and crying. She is sooo the boss of me!!
Buddy torments the girls then SP gets on Buddy then they start fighting. I don't mean just yelling at each other, I mean choking, hitting...with fists, pinching, all the good things that boys do. ARGGGG!
Doughman has been working a lot this week due to the state softball games this weekend.
I made more jello shots for this weekend again. This time I had melon fusion jello and added 1 Cup of pucker (grape, cherry, and watermelon). So it's kind of like a jolly rancher jello shot. Yummy!! Plus I found my purple Parrot bays so I will NOT be drinking Bahama Mama mix and puking red all over the place. Woohoo for that!!
I so can not wait for tonight either. Softball night and Lil Miss just wants to see Graciebell.
Well, I suppose that is enough for now. I know this entry is not crazy and full of tons of fun like my last one...but that's what I've got!

Monday, August 4, 2008

so I had this whole huge blog written out and my

damn computer froze. I had a fun weekend. I am scared to type it all out again for fear that it won't post.
Oh well, here goes.
Saturday I went to P's baptism. It was short and sweet. Then we went to Mr T's where Lil Miss and I split a platter and some fries. It was OK.
We went home and Doughman said he was up for going over to Skank K's and Junkle Jawsh's to grill our ribs, brats, and pork chops. The kids and I went over there before him since he had to work until 7:15. I stopped to pick up some refreshing beverages (ie: beers and my liquors!!) but they didn't have my normal purple parrot bays so I look around a bit and find some premade Bahama Mama mix. Thinking that I like the drinks uptown, this should be good.
When we got to their house Skank K and Mom M were drinking some strawberry daquaris---YUMMAY!! So, Skank K made me one of those and then I think we had another one before we broke the seal on the bahama mama. The whole bottle filled her huge glass and my huge glass. We took a drink and it was NASTY. I decided that I was not going to let it go to waste so I drink mine all gone and look at Skank K's and hers is still pretty much full. She says it is too sour and not good at all. As much as I agreed with her, I took her drink and chugged it pretty fast. When there was only about 2 more swallows left I gave it back to her. Still not good. As soon as hers was gone we decided to go make more daquaris. Being the not so sober girls that we were we decided to take a shot of the rum. Holy shit that was disgusting. I can't believe that the daquaris were good. Rum is not so much yummy.
Junkle Jawsh disappeared to try and go pass out but we are too smart to his ways and found him before he was asleep. We pulled him outta the bunk bed and went back outside. Then he decided we were gonna play hide and seek b/c he really wanted to pass out. Let me tell ya, we are good seekers!
Pretty soon he was done trying to get away from the party and I thought to myself that I would be a much better person if I try to puke. So I wander away into the neighbors yard with my puppy Lito and start ralphing. Good Times!!
I go back to the party and Skank K is talking to her upstairs neighbors who are lesbians. When Skank K is done talking to them and comes back to the fire she tells us that they want to munch her carpet!! Oh skank k how skanky can you be?!!!!
I think that is when Doughmans friends came over and visited for a while. Right before they were leaving I decided yet again that puking would be in my best interest. So, I hightailed it to my vehicle, get in, sit down, and hang my head outta the door and blahhhhhh all over the place.
By now Skank K went in to pass out with Kemo. I tried to sit out and still hang but Junkle Jawsh said no way. He took me in and I passed out with my girls.
Doughman stayed up texting people trying to get them to come party with him and letting everyone know that Mama was drunk. Nobody else came to play with him so the older boys stayed up with him and tried to saw off his cast. RETARTED!!
The next morning I felt fine. Sweating my ass off but I felt way better than Skank K who decided to puke that day instead. Poor Skank K!! But after getting sick a couple of times, laying by the air vent, and taking in a piece of Taco Pizza she was good.
It was a fun night.....Just remember Bahama Mama mix is N A S T Y!!!! myspace graphic comments


The Crazy Bunch

Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!