Wednesday, August 27, 2008

really? for real?

So today SP and Buddy had a dentist apt @ 8am. Skank K's kids arrived at 7:30. I had to rush to get the boys ready for the dentist and after that SP had to go to school. I got their clothes out, made breakfast, had them brush their teeth, and took the dog out...then it was time to go. I told Doughman that Lil Miss and Miss Smiley needed to be changed and Lil Miss, our niece, and our nephew hadn't eaten yet.
Fully expecting to come home with just those things done was way too much I guess. I walked in the door and Lil Miss was wet b/c her diaper had not been changed, our nephew was stinky, and none of them were fed.
Really? And you wonder why I am bitchy? Seriously, lift a effing finger around here. I realize you work 40 hours a week and it gets tiring when you are collecting so much.....but, I work 40+ hours/week and my is physically and mentally exhausting.

The dentist apt went good. SP has two loose teeth. Yay!!! It's about time! He has a tiny cavity which they are filling next week and then he will have sealant on his 6 yr molars. Buddy's teeth look good. The girls' apt went well yesterday. Miss Smiley didn't really care for it, but she dealt with it. Lil Miss did great. Sure she whined a bit, but she is 3 and wasn't sure what was gonna happen. Neither of them have cavities.

The first day of school has come and gone and it went wonderful. Buddy didn't cry or freak out being left there. SP enjoyed going back to school. I am excited to have them both going. I hope Buddy makes a lot of friends!!

I am not down any kids this week. Like I said in the first paragraph, I am watching our niece and nephew. Our niece told us today that her older brothers will be here on Friday. I am not sure if I had already known this or not, but either way, it will be nice for Buddy and SP. I also will have my other nephew on Friday too. Full house!! Good times!!

Well, off to make lunch so Buddy can get ready for school.
Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really...I had no clue the big boys would be there either...Their dad is suppose to have them, but hes in jail...imagine that!..I will let you know more later. Peace out, sista-in-law!!! myspace graphic comments


Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!