Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good Morning

NOT!!! My day actually ended at 1am this morning....this was the last time I went downstairs to meet Miss Smileys needs. My day began with the birds when ankle biter decided to wake up at 5:52am. I get up take him outside, come in and can hear Miss Smiley talking over the monitor. I go down and try to tell her it is still night night time, but she is up and ready for the day. I bring her into the Master bedroom thinking maybe she just wants to sleep with Mama...nope. The Splendid One is up now getting ready for another long day of work and I am up. Until....yep, she fell asleep at 8:45!!! and we slept until 10:30! About 11am, the kids decided to go play downstairs and Lil Miss decided it would be faster if she just threw herself down there. Of course she didn't throw herself down...being the klutz that she is she tripped over her own feet and hit her head on the way down. Blood.........YES, screaming..........YES, my heart racing...........YEP. I took care of it though and Smarty Pants tells me that I am sorta like a nurse. Yea, I know. I am sorta like a nurse, hooker, maid, chef, chauffeur....all the lovely things that come with being a domestic engineer! But, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!

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Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!