Saturday, April 5, 2008


So Thursday and Friday were fun. I had 2 extra kids to add to the crazy bunch on Thurs. and 3 extra kids on Fri. My Brother-in-law had shoulder surgery, so we took 3/4 of their kids. It wasn't so bad. They all keep each other busy-which is way nice. Didn't have to yell at anyone. Good times.
Doughman surprised Buddy and SP last night with Twins tickets for May 31st and June 1st. They are quite stoked. Buddy wants to take an airplane there, but Dad said NO!! I really think they will enjoy it, and I am sure I will enjoy my time with the girls.
And Smarty Pants earned his PSP back. Mitch lives on!

So the UUUUUUHG part of my post- I am sick. I woke up feeling like complete poo. I am glad that today was the day the kids went back to their home. I am achy, freezing, running a temp, and my damn ears are hurting. I am not quite as hot as Buddy though. My temp was only 99.9 and his was 101.9. He is all sorts of rosy-red. I hate being ill. I haven't got much done today. I made the bed, threw laundry in the washer -it's been sitting there since 11:00am and here it is 5:15pm- and dishwasher has been ran-but dishes are still in there. Haven't played much with the Crazy Bunch today. They did allow me to take a half-ass nap. Lil Miss was my biggest enemy though. Her- "MOM. MOMMY. MOMMMMMY!"

Here's to feeling better tomorrow. I can't stand all the soreness.

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Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!