Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tye-dye hands

So we had some fun today and colored eggs. Buddy couldn't figure out the lil spoon deal that comes with the dye so of course he used his hands. We have washed and washed but to no avail, it's not really coming off. Oh well. He will definately be in the spirit of Easter tomarrow!!

Doughman is working all day again. I really haven't done anything today except color eggs as mentioned above, vacuumed my living room, swept the kitchen, and took a shower. Yes, I took a shower. My mommy came over to visit and she told me to go jump in the shower and she would watch the kids. Woo Hoo. Of course, I took my sweet ass time. It was so nice. I didn't have to listen to screaming and banging on the walls. It was just so peaceful.

The crazy bunch are excited about the Easter Bunny coming. They are already trying to find the best hiding spots that they think the eggs will be hidden in. I will try to be sneaky, but if I put them somewhere really tricky....they just might not get found. Then we will have a stinky house. I don't want my house to smell like Doughmans ass after eating eggs. That shit is nasty! The only thing worse than an egg fart is a beer fart and I would prefer not to smell either one of them!!

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Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!