Sunday, March 30, 2008

Blah blah blah

Happy Birthday to my lil nephew P-dawg!! He's 1! Wahoo!!!

So the weekend is coming to an end. The weather has been so gray it is depressing. On the up side, I didn't have any kids last night since Nana kept them!! BUT, I didn't do anything crazy anyway. Doughman and I stayed at home. Yea, we are getting old and boring. He played with Mitch for a while then when I started yawning, we put in The Heartbreak Kid. We watched only the 1st half of that...b/c it is hilarious....then went to bed. And no relations since my Aunt Flo is visiting. Yep. So not exciting. Then I kept waking up b/c I was freaking out wondering if Miss Smiley was sleeping over there b/c she never does. Well, guess what- she did. YAY!!

Doughman went to work today for some OT. I am not telling him to though. Then he doesnt go. He said he was going to go and he did. $$$!!! He is supposedly working tomarrow too and that's his other day off. Hopefully Mama (me) can get off my L.A.Z.Y. ass and go work out tonight.

Smarty Pants brought home his report card on Friday and damn, that kid is consistant. His grades have not changed one time over the course of 3 quarters. Only one E though. At least it is in Math-my fave!! Then 2 S's and 3 S+'s. Nana told him if he can get the S's up to S+'s he gets $100. I wonder if he'll even try. He doesn't care for drawing/coloring or writing neatly. Oh well, he is good at math!

I just realized I need to get Buddy in for his 5 yr shots and get a hold of his Birth Certificate. That means I have to call Butt. Yuck. Poor kid never stood a chance since he was born in the anus of Montana!! I need all this so he can start Kindergarten this fall, plus he gets to play a little tball and I need BC for that too.
Lil Miss is doing good. I haven't gone crazy the last few days. Not to say she is being perfect, but it has gotten a ton better.

Heres a few pics so you don't forget what cuties my kids are!!


how cute!

Moody after eating chocolate!

Checking out P-dawgs singing bday card

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Stay at home mama who sometimes (frequently) loses her cool, demands attention, lacks adult conversating, loves to coupon, to 4, yes FOUR wonderful, over-stimulated children..aka The Crazy Bunch-(Smarty Pants, Buddy, Lil Miss, and Miss Smiley). Oh yea, and a super-duper loving yet, semi-lazy husband (Doughman). Did I mention he is awesome and loves me soooo much. And my sisters cat(Pukey). Names changed to protect the innocent!!